Description of VASP interface to Cc4s
Table of Contents
This section explains the VASP
workflow to calculate occupied and unoccupied one-electron orbitals, as well as all necessary input files for Cc4s
Basic knowledge with VASP is assumed.
In addition, we refer to the Wiki page of VASP.
An example bash
script performing all following steps for a periodic BN crystal is available here here.
Step 1: Hartree-Fock: Occupied orbitals
In this and all following steps we assume that the required VASP
input files (INCAR
) are present in the same working directory.
We assume that the KPOINTS
file samples one \(k\) -point of the first Brillouin zone only.
We initialize the Hartree-Fock (HF) step by a preceding density functional theory (DFT) ground state calculation using the following INCAR
The individual flags will be explained below.
ENCUT = $encut NCORE = $ncore ISMEAR = 0 SIGMA = 0.001 ISYM = -1
Although not essential, the DFT preparation usually increases the stability of the subsequent HF iteration procedure in VASP
The produced WAVECAR
file is then read in the HF step for which we use the following INCAR
ENCUT = $encut NCORE = $ncore ISMEAR = 0 SIGMA = 0.001 ISYM = -1 ALGO = A EDIFF = 1E-7 LHFCALC = T AEXX = 1.0
The tag ENCUT
defines the plane-wave basis set size by a kinetic energy cutoff in eV.
It is advisable to set ENCUT
to a value which is at least 20% larger than the largest ENMAX
entry in the POTCAR
For optimal performance on multi-core machines set NCORE
to the number of cores per socket.
ensure integer occupancies of the one-electron orbitals and can safely be used for all insulating systems with a finite band gap.
We recommend to use the conjugated gradient algorithm for the iterative HF procedure by setting ALGO=A
For properly converged Hartree–Fock orbital energies, we choose a break condition of \(10^{-7}\,\text{eV}\) by setting EDIFF=1E-7
Further information on the used tags can be found in the VASP wiki.
Step 2: Hartree-Fock: Unoccupied orbitals
Coupled cluster theory approximates the many-electron wave function using excited Slater determinants contructed from occupied and unoccupied orbitals.
We compute all unoccupied HF orbitals in the given plane-wave basis as described below.
The total number of HF orbitals/bands is equal to the number of plane-waves and can be found in the OUTCAR
file of the HF ground state calculation in the following way.
nbands=`awk '/number of plane-waves:/ {print $5*2 -1} ' < OUTCAR # OUTCAR file from HF ground state calculation using gamma-only code #nbands=`awk '/number of plane-waves:/ {print $5} ' < OUTCAR # OUTCAR file from HF ground state calculation using complex code
Please note, that VASP
automatically adjusts the number of bands to be a multiple of the number of MPI ranks in VASP
calculations for reasons of parallelization.
Note that nbands
should be determined in a different manner when using the complex version of VASP
Ensure that the WAVECAR
file contains all converged occupied HF orbitals as described above and use the following INCAR
file to calculate the unoccupied HF orbitals:
ENCUT = $encut NCORE = $ncore ISMEAR = 0 SIGMA = 0.001 ISYM = -1 ALGO = Exact LHFCALC = .TRUE. AEXX = 1.0 NBANDS = $nbands NELM = 1
Here, an exact diagonalisation (ALGO=Exact
) of the Fock matrix with dimension nbands
\(\times\) nbands
is performed.
This is a single-shot step, i.e. no iterations are necessary: NELM=1
Save the WAVECAR
file containing all unoccupied (virtual) orbitals, e.g. mv WAVECAR WAVECAR.HFV
Optional Step 2-(a): MP2 for focal-point basis-set correction
For the BasisSetCorrection algorithm the MP2 pair energies matrix
is needed. This input file can be obtained from VASP using automated extrapolation techniques for MP2 pair energies.
Make sure to employ the WAVECAR
file from the previous calculation (WAVECAR.HFV
) that contains all orbitals.
In dependence of the system size, two VASP algorithms are available.
For small systems (e.g. less than 50 occupied orbitals with NBANDS
< 20 * occupied orbitals) the following INCAR
can be used
ENCUT = $encut ISMEAR = 0 SIGMA = 0.001 ISYM = -1 ALGO = MP2 LHFCALC = .TRUE. AEXX = 1.0 NBANDS = $nbands LSFACTOR = .TRUE.
For larger systems, the low-scaling algorithm (Schäfer, Ramberger, and Kresse 2017) might be faster and less memory consuming.
This algorithm is based on a Laplace transformed (LT) MP2 formulation using NOMEGA = 6
sampling points for the Laplace integration. This setting is sufficient for large gap systems. For small gap systems try with NOMEGA = 8
or even higher.
For an efficient parallelization, use the KPAR
flag and set it to a divisor of the number of mpi-ranks (optimally half of the number of mpi-ranks).
In case of memory issues, reduce KPAR
NOTE: The basis-set extrapolation procedures between the different MP2 algorithms in VASP differ and for consistency reasons one should not compare extrapolated correlation energy estimates between different algorithms.
NOTE: This low-scaling algorithm heavily relies on FFTs. For efficiency reasons, please use PRECFOCK = Fast
consistently in all post-HF or post-DFT VASP runs.
For further details, please check the LTMP2 - Tutorial in the VASP wiki.
At the end of this VASP
calculation the following input files needed by Cc4s
are written to disk.
- Mp2PairEnergies (\(\epsilon_{ij}\)) :
Optional Step 2-(b): Approximate natural orbitals
The convergence of the electronic correlation energy is very slow when using canonical Hartree–Fock orbitals.
Approximate natural orbitals allow for achieving a more rapid correlation energy convergence to the complete basis set limit.
Here, we compute these natural orbitals as described below and using Eq.2 from Ref.(Grüneis et al. 2011).
However, alternative approaches such as ALGO=RPANO
exist in VASP
Make sure to employ the WAVECAR
file containing all orbitals (WAVECAR.HFV
ENCUT = $encut ISMEAR = 0 SIGMA = 0.001 ISYM = -1 ALGO = MP2NO LHFCALC = .TRUE. AEXX = 1.0 NBANDS = $nbands LAPPROX = .TRUE.
calculation will produce the WAVECAR.FNO
file containing all unoccupied natural orbitals.
We choose to work with a small subset of these natural orbitals. We recommend to use 10 unoccupied natural orbitals per occupied orbital in combination with the
BasisSetCorrection algorithm of Cc4s
. The corresponding number of orbitals can be obtained
using the following command.
nbands=`awk <OUTCAR "/NELEC/ { print $3/2 * 11 }"`
All Cc4s
algorithms are currently based on canonical formulations.
To this end we need to re-canonicalize the subset of natural orbitals by performing another VASP
Make sure to use the WAVECAR.FNO
file as input, cp WAVECAR.FNO WAVECAR
and employ the following INCAR
ENCUT = $encut NCORE = $ncore ISMEAR = 0 SIGMA = 0.001 ISYM = -1 ALGO = sub LHFCALC = .TRUE. AEXX = 1.0 NBANDS = $nbands NBANDSHIGH = $nbands NELM = 1
tag makes sure that exactly the number of orbitals specified by NBANDS
will be used regardless of the number of MPI ranks.
Save the WAVECAR
file containing the re-canonicalized unoccupied natural orbitals, e.g. mv WAVECAR WAVECAR.CNO
Step 3: Computing Cc4s
input files
In the final step we call VASP
using the WAVECAR
file with the desired choice of unoccupied orbitals (e.g. cp WAVECAR.HFV WAVECAR
) and
the following INCAR
ENCUT = $encut NCORE = $ncore ISMEAR = 0 SIGMA = 0.001 ISYM = -1 ALGO = CC4S EDIFF = 1E-5 NBANDS = $nbands NBANDSHIGH = $nbands ENCUTGW = $encutgw ENCUTGWSOFT = $encutgw ISYM = -1
This step produces the following input files needed by Cc4s
- Eigenenergies (\(\epsilon_{p}\)) :
- CoulombVertex (\(\Gamma^{pG}_{q}\)) :
- GridVectors (\(\vec G\)) :
- CoulombPotential (\(V(\vec G)\)) :
- DeltaIntegrals (\(\delta^{ab}_{ij}\)) :
- DeltaIntegrals (\(\delta_{ij}\)) :
- CoulombVertexSingularVetors (\(U_{G}^{F}\)) :